Window Shades for Skylights
Skylights are popular in homes throughout the Charleston area, but they have both pros and cons. While they let in a lot of natural light, that’s not always a good thing. Too much direct sunlight can let in too much heat, and the direct UV light can damage the interior of your home. Depending on the location of your skylight, they may work just fine without any covering on them. Sometimes, though, skylights allow way too much sunlight in and can decrease the energy efficiency of your home.
Window Shades for Skylights to Control Light and Heat
There are many varieties of honeycomb shades that are made specifically to work with skylights. Honeycomb shades are available in a variety of colors, pleat sizes, textures, and fabrics. You can select honeycomb shades for your skylights that match other shades in your room, or choose a complementary style to draw attention to your skylights. Opening and closing your skylight shades is easy. Most skylight shades come with a manual hand crank or telescoping pole to allow you to easily adjust your shade. Or, for added convenience, motorize your skylight shades. With a remote control option, you can easily raise or lower your hard-to-reach honeycomb shades from up to 40 feet away. Motorizing your skylight shades allows you to easily control natural lighting and dramatically reduce overheating from too much direct sunlight.
Skylight shades offer a solution to the problem of increased energy consumption and damaged flooring and furnishings. Simply close the shade during the hottest parts of the day or during the time of year when you don’t want additional heat in your house.
Skylight Shades in Charleston
Serving the greater Charleston area, the window treatment professionals at the Shutter Guy are trained to assist you in the selection of the right treatment for YOUR windows! Our knowledgeable and experienced staff knows how to ask the right questions to ensure your new window treatments exceed your expectations. Contact us to schedule a consultation, and be sure to check out our Calling Out Cancer program to see how a percentage of your purchase with us goes toward cancer support and research.